Part 33: The King of Hearts
Update 31 - The King of Hearts
MUSIC: Heart Fairy

So we just met the best fairy in the whole universe, and found out the giant beast that was tracking us on the mountain is, in fact, the King of Hearts himself. Audrey has promised not to kill him, and help us try and save what's left of him. And how are we going to do that? Singing, obviously! Before we can leave the castle and go find the King again, let's finish talking to the Heart Fairy, as its a good girl and deserves lots of pets.

New life goal: get a dog to tell me they like me.

Oh Audrey, you have NO idea. There's entire updates dedicated to talking to people. At least the Heart Fairy is talking about interesting and cool things, and is cool herself, rather than... gosh most of Xiatian.

Name a better fairy... you can't.

MUSIC: Silence

Despite just getting on to us about talking to everything, Audrey is ready for a long chat with Bard before we head on up the stairs.

You've joined Bard's crew Audrey, and that means believing in the power of friendship and the power of song. I'd say that's a joke, but as Miriam established - We are a walking joke.

We've got to climb a long set of stairs since we are still in an Overseer's Castle, and what would those be like without long stairways or hallways?

We're back outside and on the mountain itself. Bard is still not dressed for this weather and is freezing his butt off, while Audrey seems to have realized she was going to climb a mountain and dressed appropriately.

Audrey usually outpaces Bard pretty quickly, especially since he's cold and unable to move that quickly. The platforming here is even a bit tricky since Bard can't make the longer jumps in the cold, compared to Audrey.

We can finally catch up to her and move past her, thanks to her AI bugging out right here though

That happened in the exact same spot my first playthrough as well, I assume these quick jumps aren't well suited for it to handle.

We found Audrey's sword at least, though I'm not sure that's a good thing. Also, I can't help but want to pet the Overseer, now that I know he's just a big ol doggie.

...Granted, a dog that can teleport.

I really don't think we should help her out Bard. She seems really insistent on getting that back, and there's still two Overseers alive.

Good news though, she got stuck again

Now we won't have to worry about her anymore!

...Oh, you're back. The blizzard seems to have ended... and the atmosphere seems... warmer? Where are we?

VIDEO: The King of Hearts
(Video covers rest of update)

Bard does seem right, the Overseer hasn't been hurting anything, though he has been trapping birds in those bubbles. He seems to mostly just want to be left alone... though he is still producing monsters. Well, it won't hurt to try and sing to him regardless.

SFX: Beast Roar

MUSIC: The King of Hearts

Now... we are helping Audrey fight the King of Hearts... with the hope that stunning him will let us sing to him and bring back whatever's left of his personality. First of all, you really REALLY should click the music link if you haven't. Second of all, the fight will go down like this...

Audrey will begin charging up her attack, and while this happens...

...She'll get attacked by the King of Hearts and be forced to stop and collect herself.

And after that, we are called upon to be Audrey's shield while she charges her attack. Being her shield is simple.

When an attack comes, we sing in the direction of the attack and a shield forms around us and Audrey. So long as we sing in the correct direction, she's able to charge up.

When she's fully charged up, Audrey will run towards the King of Hearts and...

...COMPLETELY WHIFF IT. Audrey does have a slight chance of missing her attacks, this wasn't a glitch or anything. But it's kinda funny when it happens. Let's... try again, shall we Audrey?

Now, with the King of Hearts stunned, we need to run over to him and sing. Doesn't matter what and how we sing, we just need to sing!

As we do, some of the black particles start to come off of him, and he starts to get a bit smaller over time. We just need to keep singing and...

... The process repeats. Unlike with previous fights though, there are new wrinkles to the pattern.

This attack usually seems to come far away from wherever Bard seems to be standing at. The beam will charge for a bit until...

A gigantic ball of energy falls directly downward onto the platform, if Bard isn't there to shield it. If it hits the platform, Bard and Audrey get tossed into the air, stopping her charge, and making it harder for Bard to protect Audrey from further attacks.

The directional attacks will still come, but will add another direction per wave. Similar to when Hala attacked us in the inn, the attack needs to be met in the order it appears.

So long as we can prevent Audrey from being attacked, the rounds go by quickly and we can start to help the King of Hearts.

We've got two attacks in! He seems to be weakening a bit, just a little bit more...

Similar to the directional attack, the King of Hearts himself will attack Audrey from a direction and this must be shielded in the exact same way.

However, after the attack, Bard goes flying with the momentum of the attack. Which can put him in a bad spot to defend Audrey from future attacks.

It works out well if she ends up following you after the attack, but she won't always do this. The King of Hearts can attack frequently, so being out of place for even a moment could put Audrey down for a bit.

The directional attacks continue again, but add another attack to the wave. Missing one, means Audrey's down and has to regain her charge.

Like that.

The King of Hearts has to be weakened at this stage, his stature has been significantly reduced.

One more hit, and we should be able to talk to him! We've just gotta make it through another round of attacks!!

The directional attacks add another attack per wave. They can seem easy, but can come quickly enough that you lose your footing for one of them... and one slip up is all that matters.

These energy slam attacks now come at double speed, meaning you've got precious little time to make it which can mean...

It lands, and flips Bard and Audrey in the air. It's a neat little effect but uh, we don't want it to happen.

The King of Hearts' attacks are more fierce and are executed with more speed. If you had felt comfortable with the timings before, you'll likely slip up and have Audrey fall. But, stick with it and we can land the last attack.

MUSIC: The King of Hearts - Stunned


MUSIC: Silence

With the King of Hearts dead... the area seems to have lost all life. The skies have darkened, the lightning is striking more often, and even the sounds seemed to have dimmed. The world... is really starting to feel like it's ending.

MUSIC: Mysterious Rainbow Girl

Before we get to the Earthsong piece, I want to talk about Audrey because there won't be another chance to do so.
I really like Audrey as a written character. She's a prick, but that's part of what makes her good. She is the Hero, and there is nothing in the game that has put that in doubt since we met her. Bard isn't the hero, despite being the protagonist of the game, and will never be the hero no matter how much he wants to be. Despite that, Bard continually puts himself in danger to help others, no matter who they are. Audrey, does put herself in danger, but mostly because she's the Hero, and that's what the Hero does! She happily takes in the glory when she saves a town, and does try to rescue people and be a good person.
The moment she meets Bard however, she antagonizes him and tries to kill him... because she's scared that he may be the Hero instead of her. She's terrified of having to go back to a normal life, just like Bard, and will do whatever it is the Hero is supposed to do... even though doing so will utterly doom the world. Because, she's the hero appointed by Eya, and that's what she's supposed to do. Bard cares more about saving the world, while Audrey cares more about being the Hero. Ideally, the Hero would save the world, but that's not happening here. She's an interesting character, and ends up being surprisingly well written in a game that was just supposed to be "Happy Singing Adventure."
Now then, let's get to these strings.

The string on the far left is powering up, so we'll start it up by singing a note near it.

After a couple of seconds, this airbubble appears with a direction and color on it. We just need to sing that color/direction near any of the strings and it will lock in place.

Then, two bubbles appear. We need to do the same thing near two different strings. As far as I can tell, the string you use doesn't matter.

This pattern starts to repeat for a bit and can take a while. But eventually...

We will get the King of Hearts' song, and finish act 6. There remains only one Overseer... as well as one more act. The game is coming to an end... and... I don't know if it will be a happy one after all.